Monday, June 15, 2009

Rock Hill Oratory Celebrates Corpus Christi

On Sunday, June 14, 2009, guests, both lay and religious, gathered in the Church of St. Philip Neri and Our Lady on the Oratory grounds to begin the annual procession of Corpus Christi. The readings at the stations were read in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Fr. William Pentis, C.O. and Fr. Joseph Wahl, C.O., Provost, presided, as the procession wound its way through the grounds of the Oratory, praying the Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. A reception was held in the patio after the procession was completed.

Rock Hill Oratory Celebrates Diamond Jubilee

On Tuesday, May 26, 2009, the Rock Hill Oratory celebrated 75 years of mission service in York County, South Carolina. A Mass of celebration both to honor the feast of St. Philip Neri and to commemorate our anniversary was held in our church on the grounds of the Oratory at 12 noon. Special celebrant was the retired bishop of Charleston, David Thompson. Priests and men and women religious and invited guests came from throughout the Dioceses of Charlotte and Charleston, including monks from Belmont Abbey and Mepkin Abbey. The Mass was followed by a luncheon for those attending. Many thanks to all who helped us make this celebration so special!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rock Hill Oratory Celebrates Its Diamond Jubilee

May 26, 2009 -- It was a single beautiful day in a very rainy week (thanks to God for the beautiful sunshine!), when the Oratorians and the Friends of the Oratory celebrated 75 years of service to the Rock Hill, SC community in a joyful and grand style!

~Our Diamond Jubilee~

From the earliest days of the Rock Hill Oratory, our goal was to follow closely in the path of St. Philip Neri and the Oratorians worldwide, who came before us. In this photo, Fr. Charles Naldi of the Oratory of Florence, Italy (right), greets then Bishop Walsh of the Charleston Diocese. Fr. Naldi came to Rock Hill to assist us . . . "When he observed how well the Rock Hill Oratory had begun despite being deficient in concrete Oratorian knowledge and traditions, he set about the task of helping to educate the members. He affirmed them by saying he was delighted in what he saw here without the benefit of ever having seen or visited another Oratory. "

We celebrate all that he taught us, as well as all we have been able to accomplish in our 75 years here, as we pray that we may continue on as an integral part of serving the needs of the people in the Rock Hill and York County area for another 75 years!

This photo is of the Rock Hill Oratorians as they looked in 1935 . . . Father Paul Hatch, founder of the Rock Hill Oratory is seated in the front row on the right end. He would be proud of how far his dream has led us.

To read more about the Diamond Jubilee celebration, go to . . . and be sure to scroll to the bottom and click on the photos link to see some of the photos taken that day. And we now have an almost complete history of the Rock Hill Oratory on the web site as well, if you'd like to read it.

Have a blessed day!