Br. Paul, C.O. and Br. Josemaria, C.O. outside St. Vincent's Convent
Bishop Peter J. Jugis and the Sisters after the Mass of Dedication
Mother Primosa is at the Bishop's right and Sr. Archana, Local Superior, is at the Bishop's left.
The Bishop of Charlotte, Peter J. Jugis, with Fr. Paul, the Sisters and Friends of the Convent.
L to R: Maria Berrio, Lucy Quigg (in back), Br. Paul Ngyugen, C.O., Michael Young.
The Chapel
The Chapel
Bishop Peter J. Jugis of Charlotte was present at the new convent of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in High Point on Saturday, October 23rd, for the dedication. The Superior General of the Congregation, Mother Primosa SCV, and other sisters came from their foundation in Kerala State in India to attend the event. After Mass and blessing the building, a reception followed. A group of five with Oratorian ties attended. They are B. Paul Ngyugen, C.O., Br. Josemaria Schlubach, C.O., Lucy Quigg, of All Saints Parish in Lake Wiley, Maria Berrio, of St. Anne Parish in Rock Hill and Michael Young, of High Point. We wish the Sisters many years of happiness in their new building and may their work continue to flourish.