Sunday, October 24, 2010

New Convent dedicated in High Point, NC

Br. Paul, C.O. and Br. Josemaria, C.O. outside St. Vincent's Convent

Bishop Peter J. Jugis and the Sisters after the Mass of Dedication
Mother Primosa is at the Bishop's right and Sr. Archana, Local Superior, is at the Bishop's left.

The Bishop of Charlotte, Peter J. Jugis, with Fr. Paul, the Sisters and Friends of the Convent.

L to R: Maria Berrio, Lucy Quigg (in back), Br. Paul Ngyugen, C.O., Michael Young.

The Chapel

Bishop Peter J. Jugis of Charlotte was present at the new convent of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in High Point on Saturday, October 23rd, for the dedication. The Superior General of the Congregation, Mother Primosa SCV, and other sisters came from their foundation in Kerala State in India to attend the event. After Mass and blessing the building, a reception followed. A group of five with Oratorian ties attended. They are B. Paul Ngyugen, C.O., Br. Josemaria Schlubach, C.O., Lucy Quigg, of All Saints Parish in Lake Wiley, Maria Berrio, of St. Anne Parish in Rock Hill and Michael Young, of High Point. We wish the Sisters many years of happiness in their new building and may their work continue to flourish.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Beatification of Cardinal Newman, Oratorian

On September 19, 2010, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI will beatify John Henry Cardinal Newman. Cardinal Newman is considered the "Father of Vatican II" as his progressive ideas for the Church were used at the Council.

Cardinal Newman was born in London in 1801 and died in Rednal in 1890. He was an Anglican priest and became a Roman Catholic in 1845.

The Oratorians of Rock Hill are pleased to share this important event with the parishioners of York County and ask that they pray for the canonization of Cardinal Newman in the near future!

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Assignments

Changes in assignments at The Oratory were announced in July and are now in effect. We ask you to pray for our priests and brothers as they begin these new assisgnments, that they will lead well as they serve God's people.

York County parishes are now being served as shown below:

St. Anne Catholic Church
Pastor: Fr. Elbano Munoz, C.O.
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Fabio Refosco, C.O.
Pastoral Associate: Br. Josemaria Schlubach, C.O.

St. Mary Catholic Church
Canonical Pastor: Fr. Joseph Wahl, C.O.
Parish Life Facilitarors: Br. David Boone, C.O.

Divine Saviour Catholic Church
Pastor: Fr. Adilso Coelho, C.O.

St. Philip Neri Catholic Church
Pastor: Fr. John Giuliani, C.O.
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Joe Pearce, C.O.

All Saints Catholic Church
Pastor: Fr. Ed McDevitt, C.O.
Pastoral Associate: Br. John Kummer, C.O

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Feast of Saint Anne

July 27th, members of St. Anne's celebrated the Feast Day of their patron saint with Mass and a potluck dinner that was truly a feast of food! Celebrating with them were Fr. Fabio Refosco and Fr. Elbano Munoz, Pastor, both just beginning their new assignments at St. Anne's. It was a great opportunity to get to know some of their new parishiners while enjoying some wonderful dishes!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Abbot Placid Solari visits Oratory

On Tuesday, July 13th, the Oratorian community gathered in Blessed Pope John Center for a morning reflection given by Abbot Placid Solari, OSB, of Belmont Abbey. They were joined by the deacons that serve in York County and their wives.
The Installation of Pastors took place during the Mass that followed in the Oratory Church. The afternoon concluded with a luncheon in Walsh Hall. In the group photo the priests and deacon of the Oratory are seen with Abbot Solari.

Monday, July 5, 2010

New Pastor and Parochial Vicar for St. Anne's Church

On Sunday, July 4th, Fr. Elbano Munoz, C.O. and Fr. Fabio Refosco, C.O., Provost of the Rock Hill Oratory, celebrated their first Masses at St. Anne's Church in Rock Hill. In addition, both Fr. Elbano and Fr. Fabio celebrated their first Masses as U.S. citizens, having obtained their citizenship recently. In the photo, Br. Josemaria Schlubach, C.O., Parochial Assistant, Fr. Elbano Munoz, C.O., Pastor, and Fr. Fabio Refosco, C.O., Parochial Vicar.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Br. Agustin Guzman, C.O. is ordained to the Diaconate

The Bishop of Charleston, the Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, D.D., was present on May 26, 2010, the Feast of St. Philip Neri, at the Oratory Church in Rock Hill for the ordination to the transitional diaconate of Br. Agustin Guzman, C.O. Present for this joyous rite were the priests and brothers of the Oratorian community as well as Agustin's family, friends, and many parishioners from the churches the Oratory serves. The happy occasion was followed by a reception in Blessed Pope John XXIII Center on the Oratory grounds.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fr. David Valtierra, C.O.

Update: To read the homily by Fr. Dick Sparks which was given at Fr. David's Mass, please click on the link in the top right column under "Pages"

With much sadness the priests and brothers of the Oratory received the news that Fr. David died this morning at hospice. He left many friends and memories. He was very stoic in the past two years in his fight with cancer. May he rest in God's eternal peace.
A visitation is scheduled for Friday, May 28 from 2 to 6 pm at the Oratory, followed by a Vigil Service at 7 p.m.. On Saturday, May 29, a Mass of Christian Burial will be held at St. Anne Church in Rock Hill at 10 a.m.

Priest's Support Group

Priests from the Diocese of Charleston and the Oratory are pictured above. In the first row, from left to right, are Fr. Rick LaBreque, Msgr. Francis Hanley, and Fr. Joseph Wahl, C.O. In the second row, left to right, are Fr. Bob Higgins, Fr. Paul Brenninkmeijer, Fr. Andy Riley, Msgr. Chris Lathem, and Fr. Henry Kulah. Not pictured are Fr. Sandy McDonald, Fr. Tim Lijewski, Fr. Leigh Lehocky, Fr. Andrew Volkommer, and Fr. John Zimmerman. They met at the Oratory on Wednesday and Thursday.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

The grounds at the Oratory have been blessed lately by some faithful friends who have dedicated time and energy (and resources) to making our surroundings more beautiful. The Friends of the Oratory Committee, above, from All Saint's Parish in Lake Wylie was here this week to clear away winter branches. We are most grateful for their help! In the photo below, Felipe Uribe and his son Alejandro, install a rock facing to a small garden that leads up to the front of Walsh Hall. Thank you!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting to Know Us

In this "Year of the Priest," we thought you might like to learn a little more about the priests (and the Brothers) at the Rock Hill Oratory. We have published some information on our web site about our Oratory community's members, and invite you to read it and get to know us a little better:

Also new to our web site, is a section called "Friends of The Oratory," about a new committee that has formed to assist The Oratory financially, and the Oratorians in whatever they can. You can also sign up to receive an emailed copy of our Oratory newsletter now, if you like. Visit the Friends of The Oratory page at

Thursday, February 18, 2010

10th Annual Marriage Anniversary Celebration

On Sunday, February 14th, the Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of the Diocese of Charleston was welcomed to the parish church of Saint Philip Neri in Fort Mill by Fr. John Giuliani,C.O., pastor, and the Very Rev. Fabio Refosco, C.O., Provost of the Rock Hill Oratory, to celebrate a marriage anniversary Mass for over 200 couples. The homilist was Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. This event was sponsored by the Diocese of Charleston Office of Family Life. The Knights of Columbus from all York County parishes were on hand for the event.Following the Mass a reception was held in the Ministry Building.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


The Oratory once again hosted an icon writing retreat directed by Fr. Damian Higgins, Ukrainian Rite. Seven participants prayed and learned the traditional egg tempera method of icon writing. Br. Josemaria, C.O. wrote an icon of Saint Philip Neri, as he might have looked when he was 36 (1551), the year he was ordained a priest and seven years after the Holy Spirit entered his body in a ball of fire in the Catacombs of the Basilica of Saint Sebastian.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Congregation elects Provost and Deputies

The Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in Rock Hill, SC held its triennial elections on February 2nd, the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord.
In the photo from left is Fr. Elbano Munoz, C.O., deputy, Br. Joseph Guyon, C.O., deputy, Fr. Fabio Refosco, C.O., Provost, Br. John Kummer, C.O., deputy, and Fr. Joseph Wahl, C.O., deputy and Vicar.
The new Provost and deputies will serve a 3 year term ending in 2013. We pray that the grace of the Holy Spirit will guide them in all their decision making. A heartfelt thankyou to outgoing Provost, Fr. Joseph Wahl, C.O., and deputies Fr. William Pentis, C.O., Fr. John Giuliani, C.O., Fr. David Valtierra, C.O., and Br. David Boone, C.O.