Friday, February 25, 2011

A Franciscan Approach to Lent ... a Workshop

Francis saw his life as the life of a penitent. What did it mean for him to wear cheap cloth and cord around his waist? Together we will read about him sprinkling ashes over his food and even covering his head with them. We will read Francis' original biographer's accounts of his approaches to almsgiving, fasting and prayer. Learning Francis' approach to the penitential life could serve to enlighten you and inspire you to "make it a great Lent." By the end of the day, you will have determined some new Lenten practices which will enrich your own journey toward Easter.

Facilitator for this workshop will be Julie McElmurry.

Date: Saturday, March 12, 2011
Time: 9 am - 4 pm
Place: Rock Hill Oratory
Cost $40 (lunch included).

Registration form for this workshop will be online on our web site for download
and mailing later today.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Workshops Information Now on Our Website

Information for the workshops: Summer Bible Institute, Visions in Faith, and A Day With the Book of Revelation along with Registration forms are now on our website.

Come join us at the Oratory's Center for Spirituality for wonderful workshops and camaraderie!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

An Evening to Honour the Rock Hill Oratory

On Friday evening, February 11th, a St. Valentine's Day cocktail reception and buffet dinner was held in Blessed Pope John XXIII Center to honour the Oratorians of Rock Hill. The event was attended by the Bishop of Charleston, the Very Reverend Robert Guglielmone and the Right Reverend Oscar Burnett, Abbot Emeritus of Belmont Abbey in Belmont, NC. Abbot Oscar gave an entertaining and thoughtful talk about the Oratory, its past, its traditions, and its founder, St Philip Neri, including a look back at the times when the diocese was a mission territory with few Catholics (it still is a mission territory but with a much larger Catholic population),and the Oratory's role in the Civil Rights Movement.
Bishop Guglielmone offered a few remarks regarding the phenomenal growth of the diocese, after which Jon Varvel, member of All Saints Parish in Lake Wylie and the main organizer of the event, introduced the provost of the Oratory , Fr. Fabio Refosco, C.O., who shared a few words.
The guitar music during the meal was played by Bob Laubinger. A wonderful Italian meal, catered by Toni Elliott, a member of All Saints, was enjoyed by all. The dining hall was transformed into a night of fantasy, with lights shining through white diaphanous material, candles, and tablecloths in black and white, creating an ethereal atmosphere.
A big thank you to Jon Varvel, and all the members of All Saints who helped to make this event a success, and to those benefactors and sponsors whose generosity made this all possible, especially including all who attended.
We Oratorians are most grateful and humbled by the love and generosity of the parishioners we serve.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bishop of Charleston Visits Rock Hill

On Monday, January 24th, the Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston, visited St. Anne Parish in Rock Hill, where he celebrated a Holy Mass for the students of St. Anne School, followed by a meeting of the School Board and a luncheon. That evening, the Bishop hosted a reception in the Fr. William Pentis Life Center to kick off the Bishop's 2011 Stewardship Appeal.
Fr. Elbano Munoz, pastor of St. Anne Church, introduced the Bishop, who commented on a short video presentation entitled "Walk Humbly with Your God." The video outlined the good and important works that the Diocese of Charleston supports.

The Catholics of St. Anne Parish and York County extend their welcome to Bishop Guglielmone!